A note on our packaging

With the temperatures dropping, our Conscious Coconut Oil is still needed in your daily routine. It’s the perfect hair-defrizzer; moisturizer for these chilly, winter months; cold sore treatment; light sunscreen (yes, you can still get burned even when your chilly) and so much more.

Coconut oil is one sassy soul. One minute it’s hard like cold butter, the next flowing like water. The melting point is 76 degrees, so if it’s solid, warm the bottle in your hands or run under warm water. If you would prefer a lotion-like consistency, toss it in the fridge for a few minutes.

It is coconut oil’s natural state to react differently to varying temperatures, and we have neither added nor taken anything away that would change that. We have unconditional love for our little miracle and even support its mood, we mean consistency changes. We promise its worth it!