10 Habits to Add to Your Daily Routine to Boost Your Immune System
Right now, immune health and feeling your best is your priority - right? The pandemic has made everyone slow down in their busy lives and prioritize their health, which is a great habit to develop! As simple as it seems - bing mindful of maintaining a healthy balanced diet and routine is the key to boosting your immune health naturally. Check out these 10 simple habits to incorporate into your daily routine today to boost immunity and get some much deserved self-care!
Add Antioxidants to Your Morning
One of the best things you can do is start your morning off strong with a antioxidant rich breakfast! Antioxidants work hard to neutralize free radical damage in our body and repair damaged cells. Just a teaspoon of coconut oil a day in your morning coffee or tea will add extra flavor and healthy fats, while supporting immunity with its antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Opt for Conscious Coconut Oil, which has 4x the antioxidants than the average coconut oil!
Get Moving with Light Exercise Everyday
Regular light exercise lowers your risk of developing viral and bacterial infections, according to Frontiers in Immunology. Moving your body also acts as an immunity booster by increased release of endorphins - making it a great way to manage stress. Stress negatively impacts our immune system immensely, so moving will have you less stressed and an improved immune response.
Add Coconut Oil to Your Routine
Coconut oil is the mother of all multitaskers - from skincare, cooking and yes, immune support! Coconut oil is packed with auric acid and caprylic acid, a power duo that is both antiviral and antibacterial. It also boosts weakened immune systems by improving white blood cell counts! Conscious Coconut Oil is small batch and cold-pressed organic coconut oil of the highest quality to ensure these powerful properties are retained for the most benefits! Add 1 tbsp to your morning drink to boost immunity & energy!
Don't forget coconut oil for your little ones immune system too! Coconut oil is the next best fat source to mother's milk, which builds immunity in infants early on.
Eat Your Greens
Try to add greens into every meal during your busy days to boost your immune system with the phytonutrients and fiber that make your good belly bacteria happy, keeping your immune defenses high. Smoothies are the perfect way to easily load greens into your routine.
Ditch the Junk Food
When viruses and colds are spreading, sugar and junk food can make you more susceptible to get sick by negatively affecting your gut health. Your gut health has a direct connection to your overall health! These foods weaken immunity with chemicals, allergens and virtually no nutrients.
Sleep Better
Your body heals and regenerates while you sleep, making adequate sleep critical for a healthy immune response. Opt for at least seven hours of sleep every night feel refreshed and keep immunity up! We love to unwind before bed by putting our phone away, curling up with a good book and sipping some CoCo powered chamomile tea!
Have you ever gotten super overwhelmed then you come down with a cold? That's because stress has a serious affect your immunity, so reducing it to keep immunity strong is crucial. One of the best ways to de-stress from anywhere is to meditate or add a few simple yoga flows to your routine.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Drinking plenty of water is not only good for overall health but also flushing out any harmful substances that you came in contact with! It'll help keep your lungs moist and things flowing - clearing your lungs of the material that create conditions for infections to develop.
Soak Up Some Rays
Thankfully, heading outdoors is a solo activity we can all do for some much needed self-care these days! A little (safe) sunshine exposure boosts vitamin D in the body, which plays a key role in immune health, too.
Stay Moisturized
With all of the hand-washing and sanitizing we're doing these days, your skin can become dry and cracked - which creates an environment for germs to enter. Moisturize from anywhere, anytime with our Conscious Coconut Travel Tube for instantly rejuvenated skin and protection with its antibacterial properties!