15 Activities To Add To Your Summer Bucket List ASAP

The sun is shining, the weather is warm, and everyone is gearing up to make the most of the coming summer months. While this level of excitement for al fresco dinners, countless beach days, and taking all the PTO is true every summer, our pent-up energy after a year of staying put is more than ready to be unleashed.

While you’re already likely planning your holiday vacations (and, if you’re lucky, you already have your rentals booked), it’s important to remember that the summer can still be enjoyed close to home. Don’t get us wrong, we’re all about taking off on road trip adventures and beach getaways, but with a little creativity, you can find endless ways to make the most of the season every day.

When we sat down and imagined our ideal Summer of ‘21, this is the bucket list that followed. Read on for newfound hobbies, activities that help us reconnect with our summer joy, and ways to pass the time that evoke inspiration, energy, and most importantly, fun. Dive in—and let’s get this summer started.


Be A Tourist In Your City

While we used to be out and about hopping from café to restaurant to the cute new shop that opened around the corner, the pandemic kept us mostly contained to the four walls of our apartments and homes. Well, a lot has happened in the past year, and our towns and cities have a lot of new and exciting sights to show for it.

Make a day of exploring your neighborhood with renewed curiosity. Is there a boutique you found on Instagram that you want to visit IRL? Head that way. Did your favorite breakfast spot that you haven’t been to in months revamp their menu? Make a reservation.

Connecting with your community can help you reorient to your city and remind you that there’s a world of inspiration beyond your phone looking to be uncovered.


Read All. The. Books.

Is there anything more relaxing or luxurious than lounging about with a book you can’t put down? We think not. There’s a reason that beach reads are an entire genre, and it’s because this is the best time of year to make a dent in your reading list. Reach out for recommendations from friends or peruse one of the many roundups of summer must-reads you can find in any corner of the internet. Open your book, start reading, and prepare to get lost in another world.


Hike Your Heart Out

Last summer, our Instagram feeds exploded with panoramic views from summits across the country, and people’s love of hiking doesn’t seem to be letting up. In 2020, a joint report by AllTrails and RunRepeat.com found that 135% more hikers set out compared to 2019. 

 There are really no arguments against the benefits of hiking: We all know that time spent in nature (especially with friends!) can be a major mood booster and taking a hike is a great way to get your Vitamin D. But before you set out, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared. Secure a sturdy pair of boots, bring all the layers, and pack plenty of food. Check out this list for all the essentials to bring on your trip.

And don’t forget that part of being a responsible hiker is ensuring that you’re treating the land with respect. Carry out any trash you bring in (yes, that includes your apple cores and banana peels), stick to the trail, and keep your dog on a leash. You can learn more about proper hiking and trail etiquette here.


Find A New Fitness Outlet

While we can all agree that the convenience of at-home workouts throughout the last year saved our butts (literally!), with more and more fitness studios and gyms reopening, plus all the options for outdoor exercise, there’s no shortage of summer sports you can try. If you’re a diehard workout fan, switch things up and see if there are team sports in your area that you can get involved in. Hate running but think it’s the only way to get your cardio? Dancing, cycling, boxing, and even jumping rope are all amazing cardio workouts that’ll get your heart rate up.

Chat with friends or consult the local fitness outlets in your area for inspiration—trust us, you’ll find a workout you love.


Change Up Your Look

Emerging after 15 months of staying indoors and craving a fresh start? You’re not alone. If a haircut is calling your name and your salon isn’t booked solid already, there are other ways you can switch things up. Did you follow the pandemic trend of sweatpants and leggings on repeat? Take some time to assess the current state of your wardrobe to determine what can stay and donate or consign the rest. You’ll come back to your closet with fresh eyes and a clearer sense of how you want to dress yourself moving forward.

Tattoos and piercings are also an increasingly-popular way to commemorate the growth we’ve all experienced during these challenging times. While we definitely won’t dissuade you, remember that these are relatively-permanent decisions, and getting inked or a hoop in your nose requires reflection before going all-in. When taking on a makeover, see it as an opportunity to reflect deeper on the internal change you’re hoping to communicate, and give yourself space to acknowledge how far you’ve come.


Try Your Hand At Tennis

 Newsflash, y’all: tennis is the trending sport of the summer. While being a naturally socially-distant sport may have been its initial draw, we’re staying for the cute skirts and amazing workout. 

Find yourself a racquet—there are plenty of discounted options if you’re just looking to get your feet wet—grab your girl gang, and hit the courts. Want to step things up? You can look into lessons with your local recreation department or try joining a league. You’ll find that not only are you getting in a good sweat, but tennis can even open you up to a whole social circle of other enthusiasts.


Step Up Your Skincare

If there’s one thing we know about summer, it’s this: While SPF is important any time of year, with all the time we’re spending outside during these warmer months, we’re lathering it on and reapplying even more. 

Ditch the expensive sunscreens and rely on your tried-and-true CoCo for an extra layer of protection. Applying a daily dose of coconut oil strengthens the surface of your skin, increasing its resiliency while *bonus* leaving it soft and smooth. 

If you’re on the hunt for more ways to amp up your routine this summer, we’ve got all you need to know right here about how Conscious Coconut Oil can give you glowing and gorgeous skin.


Volunteer Your Time

 Whether it’s helping out at a food bank, assisting seniors with household tasks and medical visits, or cleaning up your local park, there are countless options for lending a hand to those in need. While COVID may have complicated pathways to volunteering, many organizations are increasing their in-person opportunities while still offering virtual options to help. 

Looking to support the fight against hunger? Food Rescue US recruits volunteers to help redistribute surplus food and deliver it to at-risk households. Want to keep your community clean and green? Keep America Beautiful operates with the mission to end littering and improve recycling resources across the country. If you’re not sure where to start, Volunteer Match is a helpful resource that can connect you with nonprofits and causes that share your values. 


Refresh Your Space

Raise your hand if you haven’t moved a single piece of furniture in what feels like eons. While being confined to just a few rooms for months can make even the most creative interior designer feel uninspired, you can bring a little life back into your space with just a few easy steps.

 Rearranging your furniture can help you reimagine the possibilities of any room. Try situating your headboard against a different wall of your bedroom and revel in the sense of peace and calm it creates. Is your dining table crushed into a corner of your kitchen? Bring it out to the living room and enjoy the little extra space for the many dinner parties to come.

While it might mean some more work, slapping on a new coat of paint to a wall can have a dramatic effect on the feeling you get when you walk into a room. Opting for cooler blues or greys in the bedroom can help you catch better z’s while a cheery yellow can energize your kitchen. Whatever approach you take, step back and notice how even just a simple switcheroo can open up a room, creating a greater sense of serenity and alignment every time you enter.


DIY Whatever You Want

Seriously, anything! If the tie-dye craze of 2020 taught us one thing, it’s that a lot of creativity can happen with just a few tools on hand. Want to jump into the wide world of sewing? Connect with the seamstress community on Instagram for inspiration and ideas for your first project. Have ceramics piqued your interest? Do a little research into classes in your community. In our increasingly-connected world, there's an endless stream of resources available for whatever you want to learn. Try sites like Skillshare, Create & Cultivate, or Brit + Co for courses that touch upon any interest.


Entertain At Home

 Not sure about you, but we’re actively making up for all the dinner parties and brunches with friends and family we didn’t get to have in 2020. Text your besties and get the gang together for a morning, afternoon, or evening spent catching up over food and drinks. Enjoy your time planning out the menu, visiting your favorite grocery store (seriously, this is an underrated everyday joy), and reconnecting over long conversations that go well into the night. With the year that we’ve had, we’re holding on tight to all the relationships we hold dear, and there’s not a better way to communicate your love for loved ones than with a home-cooked meal.


Discover Your Inner Artist

 Hobbies are the new side hustle. Honestly, we’re tired of the pressure to monetize every single last creative interest we have and instead are fully embracing creativity for creativity’s sake. While being a beginner at anything can be hard, trying your hand at something new can go a long way in keeping you engaged and interested in the world around you. 

Dying to paint? Pick up a canvas and a few brushes and set your inner Matisse free. Want to dive into poetry? All you need is a notebook and your inner inspiration. Remember: The definition of an artist is entirely up to you—anything that helps you connect with a sense of flow is a step in the right direction.


Reconnect With Your Neighborhood 

When was the last time an interaction with your neighbors looked like more than a friendly wave from the window? Don’t worry, we totally get it (and can empathize) if it feels like you’ve been the least social person on your street. Make up for lost time and show up with a batch of cookies just because. Or, depending on your level of comfort, invite your neighbors over for a catch-up and check-in on how they’re doing. You can also consider organizing a block party to get everyone together to meet and connect with friends old and new.


Frequent Your Farmer’s Market

Is there anything better than fresh, in-season produce? Nope, we think not. When you shop for your weekly groceries at your local farmers market, not only are you supporting the work of farmers in your area, but you’re also reaping the nutritional benefits of fruits and veggies that have traveled fewer miles to get to your plate. The result is delicious and environmentally-friendly meals that will make you feel good about what you’re serving to yourself and your family. Not only that, but your cooking can stay inspired all throughout the summer with a regularly-rotating array of produce that’ll shift and change with the growing season.


Go By Bike

Bikes were a hot commodity last summer, and the trend doesn’t seem to be stopping. Rekindle your childhood love of exploring your neighborhood on two wheels and set out on a close-to-home adventure with this simple pastime. Biking, of course, is not only a great workout, but it can remind us of the importance of slowing down in our fast-paced world.


However you choose to spend the next few months, Conscious Coconut is here to support your summer wellness habits. Shop all our offerings for coconut oil, hair care, body products, and more here.